Thanks for stopping by my little corner of this whole internet thing. On the off chance you were wondering a little bit more here are a few details…
I started this blog way back in 2005. Over the years it has been a virtual home for my family's life, which often includes the pursuit of all things homemade.
I am lucky to be McIntosh's mom. Mac graduated high school in 2016. He has been working at his favorite cupcake place for over two years.
I am married to one of the most helpful guys you’ll ever meet. If you ever catch yourself wondering how I’ve accomplished anything, it’s usually because Sean is right by my side. He coined the term that I’m the “brains” and he’s the “brawn” in our relationship. In other words I come up with one crazy idea after another and he makes them happen. For instance to date Sean has painted 43 various colors around our house (and that is not an exaggeration). Feel free to ask him about that, trust me, he loves to tell people about my insatiable desire for new painting and rearranging projects.
I earned bachelor's degrees in both Sociology and Women's Studies in 2010 and a masters degree in 2012. This spring semester I am so happy to be teaching Sociology of Families & Sociology of Gender at one local state college and three sections of Introduction to Women & Gender Studies at the other local state college. The third school I teach for is the community college I attended. This spring I'll be teaching a Marriage and Families course online and an after-school Introduction to Sociology course at a local high school.
I would always love to hear from you. Please feel free to email me. Take good care…