Have I ever told you the story of the great Christmas gift guessing fight?
Way back in the year 2000, we had our first Christmas in our new house. I bought a skinny 7.5 foot artificial tree from Target for $80, which is down in our living room now as I type this and really should be replaced soon. I also used to be super good at life and have most of my presents purchased and wrapped by Thanksgiving weekend, which meant Sean's gifts were sitting underneath our new tree at our new house.
Sean's brother had flown in from his sophomore year of college to spend that Thanksgiving weekend with us. Can I just pause there for a second to take in that Sean's brother was in college? Sean was all of 23 years old and I was the super mature 24 year old.
Okay back to the story.
When I wasn't around Sean pointed out the gifts under the tree to his brother and said, "That's my new Playstation and that's the scooter I wanted".
Okay, now Sean sounds 13 years old, not 23. But those were the exact presents he was getting.
His brother told me Sean's correct guesses later that weekend. Apparently Sean was a legendary (in his own mind) gift guesser and his family had worked for years to try to trick him.
I was ticked about Sean's guessing, but never said anything to him until...
We had a fight about something totally unrelated just a few days before Christmas...because remember how mature we were. At some point during the fight I yelled about him being a pompous ass and guessing exactly what he was getting for Christmas. The look on his face confirmed that although he had guessed correctly, he didn't know for sure and now I had ruined the "surprise". I started crying that I had ruined Christmas.
Again, with the maturity.
So, while still sniffling, I decided I just had to make sure he actually did get one surprise gift. I got out the Land's End catalog and called them to order a robe with his initials. I overshared the story of the fight with the person taking my order and they took pity on me, making sure it shipped to get there before Christmas.
And we lived happily ever after.

So at some point between the great gift guessing fight and today, Sean and I started the tradition of writing little notes and hints on tags to each other. This year I took it a step further and made tags to taunt him with...
"Hey, Sean you'll never guess"
"Sean doesn't know what this is"
Aaaannnnd yet again with the maturity.

But, speaking of maturity, since the great gift guessing fight sixteen years ago, Sean has never even tried to guess a gift again.