Truth be told, I get a little sad and overwhelmed when the school year starts. And by little I mean it usually includes at least one full-scale freak-out.
So, maybe it's not so little.
When Sean headed back to school last week I decided that, instead of wallowing, I would celebrate the new school year by decorating our mantle a little bit.
The prints are by Life Love Paper, Caravan Shoppe and Kiwi in the Clouds.
I also crafted up another fabric wreath (here is are two others I've made over the years: one, two). I pinned red fabric scraps around the styrofoam form. Then, to try to make it look like an apple, I roughly cut out a stem and leaves out of felt. I glued the felt pieces to card stock to help them stand up better.
So now any sadness or worry is totally cured. Woohoo the school year! Bring on the endless emails! The working all weekend! The grading, grading and more grading! The feeling of barely ever being caught up no matter how hard you try!
Okay, so maybe I am not quite cured...but the cute mantle does help.