I have developed a guilty pleasure. Listening and reading about blogging and creative business.
My favorites are... Elise Gets Crafty, Being Boss, Melyssa Griffin, The Blog Market, & Elle & Co.
However, I have absolutely no aspirations to have a creative business or to put the efforts into a thriving blog with a significant following.
Actually, the few hundred people that follow along on here are really significant to me already.
So, this new little learning more about blogging past-time has completely backfired. After 11 years of having a blog, I have been feeling as if I am doing it completely wrong.
I am supposed to have a catchy title for each post, I am supposed to use keywords for SEO (still don't totally understand all that stuff), I am supposed to teach you something with long, informative posts, I am supposed to focus in a niche, and I am supposed to build an email list of followers.
Over the years, I have genuinely enjoyed making little blogging-focused improvements like banners, organizing the sidebar, trying to take good photos or having an "about page" because when I find a new blog I love heading to their about page. This is all just a hobby for me though...add it to the list with card-making, cooking, crocheting, scrapbooking, gardening, planners, house decorating, and gift-making.
Not going to lie, seeing a project you crafted up being pinned more than 135,000 times is pretty cool. But, I would never be able to crank out projects with a goal of popularity in mind. In fact, that usually ruins my mind. I will also never be consistent...sometimes there might be one party, organizing idea, or craft project after another. Most of the time it will be just one inane detail after another with just a handful of words...a leaf changing, photos of tomatoes growing or a photo of my desk buried in schoolwork.
I've wanted to write about this for a couple of weeks now...to acknowledge that this little tiny blog will never have any purpose in this great big world. Yet, it's always been purposeful in my world. It's one of my favorite hobbies and, no matter what I learn about how it should or could be, it will be a place where I just make stuff....occasionally.