I did not start taking photos until I was making myself half of a baked potato for an early lunch...this is my favorite way to cook them. The tulips Sean bought me this weekend were so pretty and are completely falling apart. I worked on Mac's graduation announcements and then worked on them some more...this was far from the final draft. I restocked the notepads downstairs since we managed to finish two of them yesterday...good thing I have collected way too many. I came home from work starving and there were 72 freshly baked cookies Sean made to drop off for teacher appreciation at Mac's school...then there were 71 cookies. I refiled all the items from today's class lecture and activity...we finished up a unit on marriage and divorce where the students were marriage experts that had to diagnose the perceived health of various celebrity marriages. As we discuss in class, even if every bit of available information about the relationship are all lies, there are still real consequences for our perceptions of marriage. After dropping off the cookies to the mom collecting everything for teacher appreciation we went to pick up Mac from work. He started another job through the school workability program...you can't see, but he is right inside the front window fixing the rows of carts while his mom was a creeper in the parking lot. Then we ended the night with more graduation announcement drafts.