One of the many, many organizational projects involved in the great closet clean-out of 2016 was going through the three boxes where I stuffed everything Mac has made over the years. In addition to school projects, he has made so many cards and crafted up lots of wrapping paper designs (he still does) and I have saved them all.
Now I have just kept my favorites (which is about 3/4 of everything I tucked away since he started preschool sixteen years ago) and cannot wait to reorganize them into themes from over the years.
My favorite finds were the card he made before leaving on a trip with his dad. He decorated the front with the word "bye" except he spelled it "buy". I also loved the "Welcome to Back to School Night" letter he wrote one year that said his favorite subject was art and that he did not like math or science or any of the other subjects. He spoke the truth when he said that, so thankfully he decided to work hard in school despite only liking one subject.