Clothespins covered in washi tape (with tacks glued on the back) for my office wall.
In the grand scheme of school year weekends, this one was a really good one. Lunches and dinners are prepped for the week. Our master bathroom is clean, beds are freshly made, our house is dusted and vacuumed and our cars are washed (all thanks to Sean). The pantry, freezer and fridge are all cleaned out and reorganized. And fifteen out of seventeen things on my current school to do list got checked off. Granted the last two are some of the biggest, including recording a couple of online lectures. I finally noticed (three week's into the semester) that pretty much every time I share an example in a lecture (in person or recorded) I keep saying, "Or whatever the case may be". Those poor kids listening must think I am nuts.
Or whatever the case may be.