My new newly relocated office at school (including the chair I covered).
Um, this first week was no joke.
I worked everyday from 8am until 10pm.
I typed, "Thank you so much for your interest. Unfortunately, the class is full", in what felt like one thousand emails.
I sweat my way through a classroom barely having air conditioning on a 95 degree day. Super attractive.
I checked my online class constantly...terrified that it wouldn't work. (minus a couple small glitches, it totally worked)
I couldn't find parking, despite getting to campus three hours before my class. I ended up having to pay to park despite already purchasing a $65 parking pass for the semester. State schools are just the best.
I had ants crawling all over my stuff in the community college classroom. Apparently they are all through the building. Awesome.
And yet I still really, really love my job.