Sean planned two months in advance to take Friday off so we could relax a little. He and I cooked up breakfast potatoes, scrambled eggs and bacon for a late morning breakfast. Sean, Mac and I tried (and pretty much failed) to to get a photo before we went to a great dinner on Friday night with my mom and brother. Saturday morning we were at an adorable sunshine filled first birthday party where I was surprised with a cake and gifts too...we have really thoughtful family friends. My dad flew in to Orange County in the early evening and had to fly out of LAX to the Philippines later that sister hosted a pizza night in between the two flights. Mac takes present wrapping seriously...he painted the paper, then used a gold pen with a stencil. Sunday morning was my nephew/Godson's First Holy Communion. I was in charge of getting him out to the church courtyard for a photo with the priest who said Mass...then Caleb asked if he could get a donut and I teased him that the best part of being his Aunt is I can always say yes to the fun stuff.