"Mr. McIntosh" has been the category that I have clicked for ten years around here when it's all about Mac. The last time I clicked it was this past fall, therefore it's way overdue.
So may I brag about him a little? Actually, a whole heck of a lot? Please?
Okay, good, because I am going to anyway. Thanks for understanding.
We had Mac's IEP meeting this morning...his second to last one ever with senior year fast approaching. We have been so incredibly fortunate that Mac's high school IEPs have been a celebration of how hard he works. I have walked out of every single one beaming. Today was even better though.
I got to hear about how Mac takes a leadership role in the classroom. He likes to go up to the board to write stuff out and help his classmates work on various concepts.
My teacher heart was singing at the news. Not that Mac would ever, ever want to be a teacher like his nerdy mom and step-dad.
Then during the meeting Mac made the request to create an additional goal at his IEP. He wanted to work on money skills. The assistant principal said it was the first time she had ever been at an IEP where a student wrote their own goal.
Mac also has been in the district Workability program, working at the drug store around the corner from the high school for a couple months. He gets there early, he leaves late, he would rather keep working than take a break.
It's been true pretty much his entire life...no one will try harder than Mac.
He has been walking the few hundred yards to work, but today it was raining and he didn't have an umbrella, so I drove over to school to take him to work. It was a complete downpour as we pulled into the parking lot. He changed into his work shirt, ate his half sandwich and headed in.
So I got all sneaky mom paparazzi as he walked to the door and snapped this to remember today and how ridiculously awesome* he can be.
*Please remind me of this the next time he says something obnoxious.