I am sure I have shared before that my history with rearranging reaches back into childhood. Some kids play...I rearranged my bedroom. And by now you know I rearrange my whole house a little too often, with enormous help from an astoundingly patient husband.
This spring break we are rearranging our master bedroom...again.
I found some photos of the projects over the years with the first major changes in 2005, a new bed frame in 2008 and when lost my mind 2011, adhering everything to the wall.
So, four years with no major changes is not too bad, right? And this rearrange was truly started out of practicality. Way back almost seventeen years ago, Sean received a mattress and box spring as a college graduation gift from his parents. He chose a queen sized bed instead of a king and, every time he has mentioned not having enough room over the years, I have teased him that it was his decision.
Meanwhile our guest bedroom had a really, really big bed. Two twin beds that we usually keep pushed together under California King sized sheets. After a few months of mulling it over, we decided that we would switch the beds out and give ourselves way more room. Well, actually give Sean more room since I somehow always managed to find the room I needed in our "little" bed. Sean may or may not have spent too many nights teetering on his edge of the bed.
Before we started taking everything apart I got out the camera for some before photos...
The bed is moved now, but it will be awhile until any after photos. I have to find/craft-up some kind of comforter situation to fit this mattress monstrosity...but it's awfully big & comfy.