The next couple of months are going to be a new level of busy since we added in being the phone bank chairs for the first school improvement bond ever for Mac's school district. It runs four days a week for the next two months...not that we have to be at every single one...just a lot and we need to make sure each night has plenty of volunteers signed-up.
We also still have CASA trainings to finish and it's football season for the cheer team. And you know as teachers, Sean and I never have to bring work home...let alone piles and piles of it.
Moral of the story, it's going to be a little nuts. That is why we have been trying to plan ahead to be organized.
One thing I decided we needed was a humongous calendar to keep track of it all. I made them for the next three months and had them blown up to 18"x24" at Staples for less than six dollars altogether. I originally made color versions, but those were going to cost way more, so I stuck with black and white.
Here are both versions in case they might help you keep track of everything this fall...
Download September Calendar-Color
Download October Calendar-Color
Download November Calendar-Color
Last spring Sean painted the door in our laundry room that goes to the garage with magnetic primer and then chalkboard paint in the same color as the walls. That's now home to each month's huge calendar.
Hopefully it helps us not forget anything we have got scheduled.