This was the poster hanging in our room at the Ace Hotel last week.
This weekend I worked, like I have worked every weekend for the last fifteen months. I work pretty much seven days a week. I often work at night right up until I go to bed.
I also have time to spend running errands, cooking dinner, cutting flowers from the backyard, reading blogs, crafting a little (very little lately), having lunch with a friend, or just sitting for a few minutes and having a cup of tea.
Aside from the fourteen hours I spend in front of a classroom each week, life has some pretty significant flexibility. Sometimes, when I am working on a Friday night, I wish I had a career that meant work could stay at work. Or maybe what I really wish is that I could be disciplined enough to keep a precise schedule that meant I did not have to accomplish stuff for work everyday.
Over the last few months I've often felt that I might have attention issues, since I jump from task to task. Before finishing one thing I have started three others, but I manage to finish all of them in no logical order whatsoever. I can't tell if I am a mess or if this is just my natural way of accomplishing what needs to be done.
Work and life might be totally blurred until further notice, but I am pretty darn grateful to have it all to mix together.