I had this semester's version of my class planner ready just in time to start classes today at the state college. I will start teaching two night classes at the community college in a couple of weeks.
I never liked the first day of school as a student...having to navigate new classes with new syllabi full of the stuff I'd have to read and study.
Now I love it. I love pulling out crazy things like prisms and crayons. I love seeing the relief in students eyes when they hear me say I will give them the exact test questions in advance. And I love, love, love hearing them laugh for the first time. Throughout the semester I will continue to say and do borderline ridiculous things to earn that laughter.
I looked around at my students today, as they all worked together on a icebreaker, and thought about how much I adored being with them already...after not even an hour.
Sure, I am already receiving relentless amounts of email (I seriously just got another one as I typed that), and my to-do list is looooong, but these classes are so worth it.