I had this idea on the 4th of July. I was packing up leftovers, like potato salad and baked beans, in random ziplock containers we had amassed and getting them organized into leftover grocery bags for our friends and family to take home. I ran upstairs to grab some office tags to tie onto the bags to keep everyone's leftovers straight and it occurred to me, by the time Thanksgiving rolled around this year, that I could make this whole leftovers endeavour a heck of a lot cuter. I raided Smart and Final a few weeks ago and came home with huge stacks of several different kinds of containers. We have hosted a few get-togethers this month and have already found this container supply super handy to have on hand.
I shared this project on Eighteen25 at the beginning of the month and shared a download of this "little more Thanksgiving" tag in case you want to print some out just in time for this week's celebration.