A super cute little planter my mom gave me earlier this year.
1. I got a flu shot on Friday and the injection site has been super sore and hot ever since. I've joked that my upper arm apparently caught the flu...it's all achy and has a fever.
2. The Timehop app has been one of my favorites lately. Love being reminded of our last drive up to Oak Glen or that it's been a year since I snapped a tooth right out of my mouth.
3. Today we watched Miss Representation in my soc of women class and The Dream is Now in my intro class. I promise we don't watch videos too often in my classes, but these are really good ones.
4. I am craving gallons of hot chocolate right now.
5. After trying way, way too many products without much success, I think I have found a formula for my baby fine curly hair. A dime-sized amount of gel and shaping lotion mixed together. I don't want to sound dramatic or anything, but this combination is kind of life changing.
6. This weekend is mini cheer camp, the cheer team's biggest fundraiser of the year. Next week is Homecoming and the team is in charge of decorating the football stadium. Oh and we are hosting the team dinner before the game for all 39 cheerleaders. So, if you don't hear from me...