Seven months ago I was so out of my mind excited to plan my first class. I relished each detail...even the crazy ones, like coming up with a color scheme to use in power point lectures.
Right now I am planning the four classes I am teaching this upcoming fall semester. Granted I say "upcoming" which sounds like there is a decent amount of time before it starts...when in reality it's down to the last few days. This semester I will be teaching Sociology of the Family, Sociology of Women, and Intro to Sociology both as a twice a week class at the state college and as a four hour class at a community college every Friday morning.
I am finding the time for crazy details a photo shoot with crayons to make a banner for my Introduction to Sociology class websites.
My first lecture is about how Sociological knowledge is like a box of crayons. The knowledge a student walks in the door with is like a box of eight crayons. You could color anything and everything with only those eight colors. Just like everyone knows plenty about how society works without ever having to take a class.
However, taking a Sociology class is like opening up a big box of sixty-four crayons. Just like each color comes in numerous shades...Sociological knowledge helps you gain a more nuanced understanding of the function and impact of society on our lives.
Are you bored yet?