1. Anyone willing to admit along with me that they've started listening to Christmas music too?
2. Yesterday's sharing about Friendsgiving colors ended up inspiring a quick little blog update. I wanted to embrace all the fall colors before the holidays fast approach...
3. Today's highlights included it being cool and drizzly (my favorite) and a great lunch with a friend.
4. Today's low lights included having my eyes dilated for what seemed like forever.
5. I wanted to share this super cute, printable free calendar from Miss Tiina...already looking forward to organizing 2013.
6. I also discovered a new favorite iPhone photo editing app called Afterglow...loving all the options it has.
7. Friday around here will be spent accomplishing a multitude of tasks so that this weekend can have a little guilt free relaxing.
8. Therefore Saturday will be be spent watching lots of college football...as a loyal fan I am absolutely enthralled by the dream season Notre Dame is having.
9. But don't worry, Saturday morning we are hosting a planning breakfast for our annual neighborhood holiday progressive dinner. You got to love that we have made planning a social event a social event in and of itself.