1. On Friday I bought a roll sequin ribbon. As someone who avoids anything remotely glittery or sparkly I really don't know who I am now. When I was joking about this with some fellow moms at Mac's JV game on Friday afternoon, his coach just said, "Welcome to cheer leading".
2. There was an iOS 6 phone upgrade done around here on Saturday. The new panoramic camera feature is no fun at all...
3. We celebrated the first day of fall by once again cranking down the air conditioner and cooking up Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Soup and Cheesy Beer Bread...both are amazing recipes.
4. I am, admittedly, an awards show junkie...so I was shocked when Twitter ended up reminding me about the Emmy's tonight. Thankfully I was still able to see the all-important red carpet. Please tell me some of you love watching it too.
5. During the Emmy watching I quickly crafted up a little something with an empty can, strips of fabric, and a glue gun that I haven't used since 2001.
6. The gun proceeded to spit out molten glue continuously whether I was using it or not. Do all glue guns do that or do I need to invest in a little higher quality one? I would love any suggestions...thanks.