A graduation card I made over the summer (inspired by this card) with a gift card tucked inside.
We've had a great weekend...full of food and lots of football. Friday night we had Mac's favorite Umami burger before we went to an away game. We went down to the beach on Saturday morning for Mac's cheer teams photos. And today we ran super exciting errands...like finding school notebooks on clearance for nine cents at Target and buying 91 of them for Sean's students. Now it's late Sunday night and I have a few frivolous things I am dreaming of getting done this week...
A fall craft project of some sort.
Making a board background for taking photos of recipes because our black kitchen table and/or 1976 tile counter tops aren't really cutting it.
Taking some cute supplies and putting together a cheese plate.
Finding a houseplant that will thrive in our bedroom that doesn't get a lot of sun.
Hope you get a few minutes to working on a little something you might be dreaming about too.