Fourteen months ago I mentioned barely having scrapbooked in 2011...I only had finished six pages. Thankfully I ended up with a few more, but today I realized that Mac's most recent book has only nine pages in it total. I have to admit I was so sad about all the memories that aren't in there quite yet. Man, if I keep this up I don't know if I can call myself a scrapbooker anymore. At what point do you lose your scrapbooker membership card?
Well since mine is at risk, I took a couple hours this afternoon to start remeding this. I know I won't get anywhere without some serious organization so I gathered together the photos and memorbilia I had saved up. I also went through my blog making a list of everything to document...46 big and little things I want in that book for him. Now they're written out in a chronological list with my all-important check boxes...good thing I am not an organizational nerd at all, right? Hopefully my nerdiness will pay off and I can get his book overflowing sometime soon.