Dearest Mac,
Thanks for making me a mom. Granted, I was probably a little younger (okay, a lot) than I should have been when I had you. Thankfully, I have become incredibly wise over the last few years, right? I am certainly not the most patient person you will ever meet...and I am sorry you inherited my temper. That does not mean it's a good excuse to use it. I know I shouldn't either.
Thanks for always telling me what a good cook I am. You should thank your grandma for that too since that's where I learned it from. Thanks for writing the canned responses your teachers told you to on the Mother's Day card you made at school this week. I called you on it when you wrote I was your "best friend", but when you wrote on your own that I was a "creative soul" you pretty much gave me one of the best compliments I have ever received. It will make me happy forever and ever that you are an astoundingly creative soul yourself.
Thank you for always laughing with me. You are one of my very favorite people to talk to...even if we're discussing the same darn thing for the millionth time (this is where I demonstrate my lack of patience). Thank you for being such a hard working, responsible and compulsive person. I love that you are detail oriented. I love that you have high standards. And I love that you are a way better morning person than I am.
And thank you most of all for really just having the best fashion sense ever. Never in all my years would it have occurred to me to wear bright plastic sunglasses over my actual glasses. It's just one of the many, many things I have learned being your mom. I am so glad we get to celebrate our 16th Mother's Day together.
Love you...
(Oh and thanks for insisting we take photos of you last week because you realized, when you were taking the trash to the curb, that there was "amazing light")