1. You know those days where you are grumpy and most things seem to go wrong? Being grumpy doesn't really help you deal very well with the various issues that arise and having things go wrong certainly doesn't help your grumpiness. Yeah, that was me today.
2. Thankfully, though, I have done a decent job of focusing on the positive for the last couple of hours.
3. Good thing too, because otherwise you really would not want to hear from me right now. Okay, moving on.
4. Saturday night I went to see my very first soccer game. Sean has claimed for years that a live soccer game would be life changing and get me to stop complaining about the sport. I will admit it was way more fun than watching on television...and when I saw David Beckham take his shirt off at the end of the game, maybe my life did change a little.
5. We made this Cranberry Pecan Chicken Salad sandwich to tail-gate with before the game.
6. I am super grateful for digital kits...today they helped me put together a flyer for a workshop I was asked to lead in a couple of weeks...

7. I joked with a friend who was proofreading it for me that I was extremely grateful to not have to dig through the Microsoft Word catacombs to find tacky clip art.
8. I almost completely forgot to get my sister-in-law and my (almost) seven year old sister birthday gifts. Thankfully I was able to pull it together today and will be on the doorstep of the post office first thing tomorrow morning so the boxes can get halfway across the country as fast as possible.
9. My sister-in-law is kind enough to read this thing so I should apologize publically for sending her gift late...and that whole forgetting part.
10. When I recently talked to my sister and she excitedly told me she would be seven soon I told her she is almost as old as I am. She said, "Nooooooo". Yeah, not many people have a sister who is twenty-nine years older than they are.
11. I have decided that I need to share some crafting supplies around here more often...so I have package of stuff packed up to send to someone. Please leave a "Pick Me" if you would like it...

12. I promise I won't forget to send it.