These sports seal stamps have been waiting for a couple of months now, but they finally got some practice last week.
This is what I was most excited about...
Coach Griffin baked his eighth grade boys team some end of the season chocolate chip cookies and I used the seals to make tags for each bag because I know how important it is for 13 year old boys to have their snacks look cute.
This one didn't end up with the football seal on it (although I have another football page planned that will). I mentioned a few years ago that I had finally embraced the green and yellow Sean holds dear, so it was fun to cover this page in Oregon "O"s with a photo from our Rose Bowl celebration with family friends...
Catslife Press is offering free shipping right now on their Facebook page in case you've been wanting the sports seals or any other of their super cute stamps. Their Valentine stamps are some of my favorites too, but I'll try to stop enabling for now.