There were thirty-some electrodes stuck to Mac's head for 45 hours and he did really great. We had plenty of laughter over the fact that we better behave since he was continually video and audio monitored. We also had several communal groans over the hospital not having wi-fi. Don't worry though, they are getting it next month.
We were stuffed with continuous take-out and the many, many snacks we were brought. We had a Friday night party with DJ MixMaster Mac spinning tunes on his iPod and Mac's dad, Sean and my mom playing Cuponk, Scrabble Flash, Bananagrams and Uno Dice. We ended up staying up until 2:45am since Mac was on sleep deprivation orders.
Thankfully Saturday morning we were allowed to go home a couple of hours early. Cutting off the head-wrap and attempting the first (of several) scrubbings to get all the gunk of his hair had Mac very happy. Actually we all were very, very happy. We will get the official results at the neurologist's in a couple of weeks, but the doctors are pleased that he showed no activity.
We're grateful to be back home well-rested and wi-fi-ed.