I ended up in the dentist's chair this morning to repair ruts in my teeth. Basically I've been brushing too hard. As someone who needed her first (of three) root canals at age ten, and is losing count on how many crowns I have, it would figure now my teeth aren't even happy if I brush them well.
The upside to the dentist office trip was it's right across the street from Trader Joe's and we needed a couple of items for the dinner I wanted to try tonight. Although we get most of our groceries from there each week, I am not really allowed in Trader Joe's. When Sean took over all the grocery shopping a couple of years ago our monthly tally went down about 30%, which is a good reason to stay away. However, every once in awhile I get to wander the aisles and make sure that grocery total spikes again.
Today I was in search of pizza dough and frozen artichoke hearts and asparagus. I only left the store with six (or seven) other items.

I had the idea to try to make an artichoke & asparagus pesto to use on pizza. I tossed a bunch of stuff together in our food processor and it actually worked. Since my last two experiences with pizza dough were less than memorable, this time I tried pre-baking the crust for a few minutes with a mixture of melted better and crushed garlic. Then I added the pesto sauce, some roasted chicken breast, caramelized onions and an obscene amount of cheese. I don't want to brag but, it was pretty darn remarkable. And, since I finally am feeling some pizza dough mastery, my mind is filled with possibilities.
Now I wish I could crack the code on writing recipes...my measurements are always half-hazard and then don't you have to test it multiple times to check accuracy or something? Not really something I have patience for. Maybe one day I will learn to...and while I'm learning this I'll add learning how to gently caress my teeth ever so lovingly with a light, but efficient tooth brushing.