That's what Mac said when he left a voice mail for my sister this afternoon. He had a lot of people worried today when he had a seizure at school. He's doing pretty well after an ambulance ride and a long visit to the emergency room with lots of tests. We still don't know exactly why it happened though. He had a couple of seizures as a premature infant, was on medication for a year, and the neurologist released him from care. Fourteen years later we'll be back visiting a neurologist soon.
I asked Mac if it'd be okay to post the photo I quickly snapped as they unloaded him at the hospital (had to document what, God willing, will be his first and only ambulance ride) and he said of course...and then added "Hope I get a lot of comments".
I'll be holding my breath until we find out more, but as I closed Mac's bedroom door tonight I stood there for a second thinking how lucky we were today. Scary to have a reminder that it all can change in a moment, but thankfully tonight it's all good in the neighborhood.