I first learned about 31Bits here. I devoured the website and admired the company's mission so much. I ordered a set of colorful bracelets and when I noticed they were headquartered in Orange County I wanted to see if they needed any help.
I just started volunteering last week and loved being around all the jewelry. It is incredibly inspiring to see the craftsmanship as I get to help tag their new fall line. I took Mac with me today and he fell in love with it too...he's already plotting when he can go back, "Mom, can I volunteer again when I'm off school for Thanksgiving?"
We brought home a few more bracelets with us today...especially new fall colors. I also have one to share...
If you'd like it please leave a comment for a Saturday evening random drawing.
If you're interested in getting more there's a discount code here. Or you could always host your own house party too.