The infertility clause is defined as the space created in our family by the decision we felt we had to make back in 2006. This clause has allowed for my education, Sean's coaching, our long road trips, and many other fun or spontaneous decisions. Sean and I are big on counting our blessings so often when we are in a moment that we're really enjoying we'll point out to each other that this is what we get to have because of what we weren't able to have. Just trying to always keep the grass green on our side of the fence.
The reason I'm all of a sudden talking about this today is because tonight we are going to the U2 concert. Which is an example of the way we try to embrace our opportunities. We bought tickets just a couple of nights ago when we found an affordable price and we are completely pinching ourselves that we'll actually be there in a few short hours. Now granted we have Mac this weekend so we did need to find a teenager-sitter since we'll be out late (thanks Mom), but other than that we can just go. We last went to a big concert back in 2005 and it was Sean's first ever. Can't wait for his second tonight...
Making light of our situation has really helped us get through thank you infertility clause for tonight and all the other lucky chances our little family gets to take advantage of.