To me 35 is a big deal. For some reason it has loomed over me for years as the symbolic age that you are really an adult...almost as if it was the pinnacle of adulthood.
It's weird to reach 35 tomorrow because I feel nowhere near the pinnacle.
It's kind of traumatic too...since I am nowhere near the pinnacle.
So when taking into consideration my self-induced trauma, I knew what magical piece of technology would help me ignore all this "pinnacle" business...
For as long as I can remember I have loved technology. Whether it was the first sounds of "You've Got Mail" way back in 1992 (I've had the same e-mail address since then) or when car shopping means I'd pretty much fall in love with every button available. There were years of palm pilots and finally I dreamed of my iPhone for two years before Sean and I purchased them.
When people ask me about the iPhone I describe it this way, "It's like being in love with your best friend for years and finally getting into a relationship with them".
Back to this 35th birthday business. I expressed my technological wish over a year ago. When a new one came out a couple of months ago it was truly meant to be. Sean and I sat down to order it together. It arrived on April 11th. I signed the delivery slip and promptly walked it up to Sean's closet where I haven't touched it since.
Tonight is like my own personal Christmas Eve...I resisted my amazing birthday gift for three weeks just so I could truly enjoy it for the first time tomorrow. I didn't really have to...I could have ripped into the box the moment it arrived. However someway, somehow I found the patience to maybe I actually have reached the pinnacle of adulthood.