1. Tonight is wonderfully cloudy and cool. I want to be huddled under under a blanket watching new fall television shows.
2. Instead I'm writing Sociology stuff.
3. I'm grateful for the DVR so the new shows are recorded for me to watch this weekend...not huddled under a blanket since the forecast says it'll be almost 100 degrees this weekend.
4. Got to love fall in Southern California.
5. Speaking of the change in seasons, I have a new fall themed Cartwheels article up today.
6. I also am participating in Kitschy Digital week and have a project going up on Thursday that I'll be giving away...
7. The only other thing I have made is one layout...but I managed to use my corner rounder on it several dozen of times or so...
8. I'm dying to make more stuff since I have so many great photos from the road trip, Mac's birthday and the first day of school just waiting for me.
9. I said several times this summer that I wanted to bottle up the free time so we could crack it open as needed during the school year.
10. I need it now, just a little.