Since we established yesterday that I am always happy to talk about food I thought I'd try something new around here...something that I've enjoyed on other blogs I read. I've tried to meal plan before, but not very successfully. I think since the school year started some combination of the three of us having to be out the door after dinner four days a week has helped. The other aspect of my meal planning is trying to be strategic about meals with leftovers that way we're just reheating on the busiest nights.
So here are this week's meals...
Monday & Tuesday: Chicken Scallopine We had this a few weeks ago for Sean's birthday and Sean and I can't wait to have it again. Mac will probably just eat chicken and pasta without the sauce since I haven't won him over with my new love of sautéed mushrooms.
Wednesday & Thursday: Hamburger Chop Suey A family favorite that we haven't had in awhile.
Friday: Fry-day Every other Friday when we have Mac for the weekend we get out the deep fryer and have "Fry-day" usually just some burgers with frozen french fries or tater tots. This week I was thinking of trying these (but again no mushrooms for Mac) and maybe even trying to fry these ourselves. to go cook dinner...