1. The theme of this post is "Holey moley I start graduate school tomorrow"
2. It is not to be confused with the "I did not get into graduate school" post from last spring.
3. I think whenever I get overwhelmed I should go back and read that post to remind myself to be extremely grateful for this chance to get overwhelmed.
4. That will probably be happening weekly since one class syllabus lists that I have a paper due every week.
5. And let's not forget that I must become a producer of knowledge like I mentioned last week.
6. My books arrived yesterday...thankfully they don't look too intimidating.
7. I'm sure the endless journal articles I'll be assigned will more than accomplish the intimidation factor.
8. Regardless of how daunting the workload might seem I'm trying something new. I am not going waste time with self-doubt. No matter what I'm doing this so I might as well keep my energy for that.
9. I still have to organize my binder for school...and I need a new storage box for those aforementioned scary articles. And I need to organize my bag too...I'm just realizing now I have nothing ready. Good thing class doesn't start until 7pm.
10. Is it bad though that I'm already looking forward to the "Yea, I'm all done!" post in two years?