1. So happy about this announcement...I am super lucky...and even more super excited.
2. Finally using this pile of fabric...hopefully it'll be here in some kind of set sooner than later.
3. We're going on another big road trip this summer and a week of it will be spent at my in-law's house in Oregon. I may have expressed concern about what we're going to do for a whole week in a town with only one yellow blinking light. Besides spending time with my amazing sister-in-law who will be reading this and thinking, "Wow, thanks a lot."
4. Sean had suggested one of the things we do is go to Multnomah Falls which I was kind of snotty about since I'm not the biggest fan of that outdoorsy hiking in the middle of nowhere stuff. Then I saw this today. Um, yeah okay I'll go...and not just because they have hot honey wheat bread a restaurant that's there.
5. Speaking of restaurants...I saw this today too and spent $5 for a $25 certificate at two different restaurants...that's an amazing deal.
6. Okay scrapbooking...here's the latest...
7. I really love that tree mask too much.
8. As I'm writing this it is 2:47pm and Sean will be home in just about 13 minutes...after a school year of a 100 meetings and coaching three separate sports it is finally time for the 3pm arrival...cannot wait to hear the garage door open.
9. But when he walks in Sean will discover I am still in my pajamas which is pretty shameful.
10. Being in my pajamas is indicative of how much my level of productivity continues to sink on this daily summer vacation basis...I really need to get my act together.