1. I had the laziest Monday ever.
2. Here's one of the few things I accomplished...
3. And here's the other accomplishment...
4. Tomorrow starts my very last week as an undergraduate student...just four more classes to go this week and two finals to take next Tuesday.
5. This is not good considering I have lost pretty much all motivation...as evidenced by my level of productivity today.
6. I just made dinner for tomorrow night right now at 9:30pm...between classes for me, tutoring and karate for Mac, and coaching a track meet for Sean there will only be enough time to reheat and devour tomorrow night.
7. I have to admit I have been planning a bit of a craft room rearrange...that noise you just heard was my mom groaning (she thinks I rearrange too much), but she's the one who gave me a cool old file cabinet so it's her fault.
8. I'm guessing my mom is not the only one who thinks I rearrange too much so I will not mention the couple ideas I want to do in our living room.
9. These are really good in case you were wondering.
10. If you happened to comment on the post last week to win some stamps please check this post to see if you won...I still have not heard from four people and would love to get those envelopes off to the post office...thanks. :)