November will be full...very, very full. Lots of double booking on the weekends, more schoolwork than I want to think about right now, a ton of crafting and preparations to teach a class in a few weeks and then there's all the fun stuff.
Speaking of that fun stuff I indulged in one of my addictions today...
Holiday wrapping paper (actually all wrapping paper is an addiction)
Between The Container Store (and my 20% off coupon) and Hallmark (which had a buy one roll get another for 99 cents deal) I was able to get way more than I needed. Oh am I ready to wrap now. :)
One of my other fun plans for November is keeping track of daily thankfulness since Thanksgiving is my very favorite holiday. I am cutting out leaves for a little tree project in our entry way and I have a goal of posting daily on here with the various things I am so thankful for. I foresee a lot of quick posts with iPhone photos, but I am eager to concentrate on the little things as I tackle the important stuff.
Therefore my So thankful #1 is having so many great things to look forward to this month.