Usually piles around the house drive me crazy, but not this pile tucked on top of an armoire in our guest bedroom. As of this morning I took all the tags from my class and got them attached to the gifts we'll be giving this year. (Remember that I keep post-it notes attached so I don't forget what wrapped gift is for each person)...
It was fun to get out the ribbons and yarns and decide who get what tag...
There are also tag making supplies in my Etsy shop the next couple of weeks I have plans to work on even more.
I did save one bag of bits and pieces to give away here...please just leave a comment if you would like it sent to your house.
Oh and one question...if you were hypothetically thinking of buying gift tags at this point...would you want to purchase a kit with supplies to make your own or would you rather purchase sets that are already made? Just trying to get a sense of it so I can plan accordingly...thanks.