My two finals seemed to turn out pretty well especially considering all the worrying I did...thanks so much for all the good luck wishes.
I got home from school a couple of hours ago and have been a whirling dervish of activity since that's what I have been used to for the last five months of in the kitchen...organizing all my notes and books from this semester...
I said last year that the hope with this bookcase was as it filled up so would my brain...they're both getting there...and I need to get more file boxes since those five are full of notes and articles.
However I am not done quite yet...I still have 30 more internship hours to finish up in the next couple of weeks and one of my classes was an independent study that my professor and I decided to wait until summer to work on...but the vast majority of my work/stress is done.
To celebrate my new summer vacation status I hastily made the decision to get my hair cut off in about an here's the blurry before shot...hopefully it'll be a cute bob cut later...