I woke up with a horrid migraine so it's been a day in bed with a dark room, ice-packs, tea and toast for me up until just a little while ago when it finally seems to have dissipated.
Thankfully we had no plans today after yesterday's full day of entertaining with breakfast in the morning with friends then a barbecue dinner and an overnight stay by cousins who were in town...it was a great day though that lasted until 2am...which is the likely culprit for the migraine.
I have no fun photos or any amount of craftiness to share from the weekend so instead here's a little more from last week...
A birthday card for a party Mac went to on Friday (yet another variation)...
Of course I didn't make this but Mac came home with it from the party and wanted a picture taken since he knew he couldn't keep it forever (by the way Mac has kept his room spotless since the great spring break clean out...I am SO proud of him)
The other thing I crafted up but hadn't shared was a simple party hat for my mom...I figured it'd be fun to get a photo of her in it but she somehow ended up wearing it for half the night...
Oh and before I forget my hair...I haven't gotten a photo yet but it is the exact same haircut that I got in 2007 and 2005...I'm kind of totally boring like that.