I am trying desperately to be a little ahead of the game with various assignments due for my classes before May 19th so today I worked on a paper about an amazing book I read last night (I finished practically the entire book in about 6 hours and I'm a horrible reader so that means it was really good)
So today I got to stay home in my pajamas and work...but I also straightened up the house including obsessive little things like wiping down the washer and dryer...and I put away the last load laundry that usually sits in the dryer all week.
And I ate a poached egg and sourdough toast for lunch while watching television...by the way these have changed my life...I a now a far more capable egg poacher.
And I took a half hour break this afternoon to make a layout just for fun...I flew right through it but can't share because I am super lucky that it includes some new stamps that haven't been released quite yet.
Start and stop...start and stop...I guess that's just one reason it takes my just short of forever to write these darn papers.