was inundated with "spiky balls"...surely that's not the technical term for liquid amber tree seed pods, but that's what we call them.
Thousands of them have been dangling on our next door neighbor's trees and gusting Santa Ana winds have ensured that most of them have landed in our yard.
We had a really nice time at Tilly's baptism...Mac should have tucked in his shirt like sharp looking Caleb...
And today Sean and I ranerrands which included an unintended epic trip to Costco...the kind when you go armed with a couple of coupons to restock on toliet paper and toothpaste...but then you find the cookbook you've been wanting since your sister got it for Christmas and you find rainbow and cherry pajamas your niece in Iowa must have...
Now I've spent the evening watching the Golden Globes since I'm always a sucker for award shows and am just feeling lucky that I still have a couple of weeks at home ahead of me.