This weekend I spent one day getting ready for our neighborhood progressive dinner party and one day being way too lazy after the party was all done.
So all I have to offer you is freaky Santa...
He wasn't freaky until last night. He usually resides at one of my neighbor's front door...then last night he suddenly arrived on our porch...apparently she decided he needed to be at the party. I'm not going to lie Iwas pretty taken aback by the life-size Santa arriving on our porch, but there was nothing I could do. Except during the party start a conversation with one of the teenage boys on our block...
Nora: (jokingly) "Hey ____ you think I'm totally cool and would pretty much do whatever I asked you to, right?"
Teenage boy: (confused) "Uh...yeah???"
Nora: (seriously) "When the party's over at this house can you quietly carry freaky Santa there on the porch back down to ____'s house, please?
Teenage boy: (still a little confused) "Sure, okay"
Nora: (extremely relieved) "Oh my goodness thank you"
My fear was the rain that's been forcasted to last for days would start and Santa would have to hang out in our garage...and that would just be too scary when I need to grab a diet coke out of the fridge.
So rest assured that Santa is back where he belongs.
This week includes finishing two papers and heading to school for the last time this semester. I also must finally start on Christmas cards and get them in the mail...along with packages of gifts that need to be shipped. After that I can relax for a couple of minutes...I absolutely cannot wait.