Just a few details from our weekend...
Thursday night we went to buy pumpkins...our local garden center has an all you can carry for $16.99 deal...Sean could hold all five but I had to put one down for him so I could catch the photo since those suckers were heavy...
Us before the walk on Saturday morning...we had a great time walking with Mac's dad's family and friends
Our guest bathroom door this morning after the sleep over I hosted last night for the sorority I was in at Redlands...the note on the bottom read...I totally didn't realize this was here till my 3rd trip to the bathroom but I saw the chalk and was like "that's a weird place to keep it"...I swear I've been laughing about it all day for some reason
And look at this...one reddish leaf laying in my grass this morning ...our neighbor's big trees are just barely starting to change...even though it once again will be close to ninety degrees this week.
I will have a little crafting to share tomorrow...