Today was a school day...and I woke up with an unplanned migraine. I get them often but rarely wake up with one. I begin to do my usual song and dance of will go away after all. Lay in bed with an ice pack on my head, take will go away after all. Go on with my morning, get Mac to school, and arrive at school myself for a meeting I had with the Women's Studies advisor to once and for all figure out how much school I have left. The headache and nauseousness is not going away and it's more denial for me...just tears. Sean left work rescued me at school turning in a paper I had due while I laid in the fetal position in my car. He followed me home and got me into bed as he called and/or e-mailed my professors because I was freaking out about missing class. I then spent the rest of the afternoon and early evening getting better...the migraine went away after all.
But I had plans for today beyond my usual classes. Plans on here to kick off an idea I had last weekend..12 weeks till Christmas...I was going to try to have a cute post as the start of sharing ideas on Thursday of every week since today marks twelve weeks till the big day. But now all I have is this...
Do you see it hiding in there? Yep, it's the first wrapped gift of the year. You probably know by now I do this every single year...I wrap gifts before Halloween and am always happy I did when things get busy in December. So it's not exactly an idea but it's all I've got for tonight.
Before I go I have to share my news from school...after meeting with advisors from both Sociology & Women's Studies I have discovered I have 10 classes total standing between me and the end of my undergraduate work...TEN...that very well might mean my gift for Christmas 2009 will be two bright & shiny bachelors degrees. :)