Often the first day of vacation doesn't involve much productivity...rather it's a day to revel in the fact that technically I don't have to do anything...but today hasn't been too bad...
I felt the need to sweep out the garage and wash down the front porch after I woke up at 8am
I finished going through seven stuffed file folders of paperwork from classes so that I could condense down what I want to save into one of these (after Christmas I have big organization plans involving a few of those boxes)
I made a batch of my version of ranch dressing (which is basically the same concoction I use to make these but thinned out with some milk)...I baked some cupcakes with Mac...and in a little while will be making this for dinner since we're having some friends over tonight...the stew will go along with a bacon ranch salad and these (hungry yet? I sure am)
I also finished up the wrapping the gift for Sean's secret snowman...the envelope has a few little scrapping supplies, a gift certificate, and Map-quested directions to get there from her house...by the way making a tag with Hambly transparencies and letter stickers will now be my new favorite thing to do
And right now I'm cutting out the birds that were on the J. Jill shopping bag from the gray skirt I found on sale last Friday (they didn't have it on their website but it looks a little like the skirt Meg Ryan wears at the end of You've Got Mail...please tell me I'm not the only one that has every outfit she wears and just about every detail of her adorable New York apartment memorized?) while I'm cutting I'm also dictating dates and spelling so Mac can write down various family birthdays on the calendar in the new planner he was excited to bring home from his dad's house this weekend...if there was ever a doubt he was my child...