Yesterday was a good mail day...I got my Jenni Bowlin kit, my order from Stamper's Anonymous...and a jury duty summons...which I'll be honest I had some choice words about. It's not that I'm not willing to go fulfill my civic duty, it's just that it's kind of a miserable thing to do...trekking down to the courthouse and sitting around waiting for your jury fate. However I obediently rescheduled my five day call-in service to a day earlier next month when I'm not back in school yet...wrote out my form and have to admit I was super entertained with myself when I used a jury duty postage stamp to send back to the jury duty office...I had gotten those because I loved how colorful they were.
So that's about as exciting as my life is right now. :) I'm just sitting at my desk eating breakfast with the extra half hour I have before I have to get to school on Tuesday and Thursday...then I'm off to my third to last day of class...