I never like to keep up my downer posts for too long...but thank you so much all for your support and ideas. When I mentioned trying to problem-solve one of those attempts was calling the UofR and asking for an "academic renewal" which is where they excuse grades. Wouldn't you know it's one of the few universities that won't grant them. Oh well, what's done is done...time to move on.
So we're moving on to a couple random thoughts from this morning...
Right now I'm eating breakfast which is a bacon ranch salad from the other night...don't know why, it just sounded good
And speaking of breakfast my dad was in town last night and stayed with us...when I came downstairs this morning I found him standing over my kitchen sink eating one of the cupcakes I made the other night...it reassured me to know that apparently my cupcake-for-breakfast habit is genetic
Speaking of cupcakes while I'm eating my salad I'm watching the Today show as I always do...Martha Stewart was on talking about food and she had her three cake plates in a tier like the photo I stole from Macys.com...which reminded me for the dozenth time that I really want those but never get around to buying them or remembering to ask for them (just in case Sean needed to get me any last minute gifts)
Okay I'm done with breakfast...time to hop in the shower and get something accomplished today...