Just like Paddington last week deciding to curl up on the folded up skirt under the Christmas tree...right now I am going to go curl up in bed...it's been a looong day and tomorrow is going to be another one. I have a big presentation to give in Critical Thinking about the casual misuse of the word "retarded" and then I have my last long Political Science lecture of the semester...can't wait for that to be over...the professor means well and is interesting, but it seems I can't help but nod off at 2:36 in the afternoon.
Before I go to bed the number generator said #5, 35, & 46 so here's where the ribbon envelopes are going...please e-mail me your addresses.
Pick me........please
I just love your style.
Oh, I would love to get a little present of ribbon in the mail!!
Holy Smokes I just am so blown away by those tags on your packages - what a pleasure to receive a gift from you!