Here are my favorites from the trip straight out of the camera...not that I have any wondrous editing abilities dad has an amazing swing in his backyard...a photo of us playing in his of most of us my Dad, sister Peg, Caleb, Mac, my teenage step-sister, my toddler sister and I...then a couple more I liked and one of Dad's house.
It's Tuesday night and I'm finally starting to get a little ready to host Thanksgiving...just eight or so people but everyone in my family are big fans of leftovers so Sean and I bought two 20 pound turkeys tonight so we'd have plenty to send people home with.
Tomorrow I have a couple of quizzes and then I'll be home to cook and set the table to get ready for more cooking on the big's all a little anti-climatic this year with so much schoolwork hanging over my head, but Thanksgiving is my very favorite holiday so I'm going to try to really enjoy it.