I'm reeling from the argument chapter in my Critical Thinking book...it's like another language that I'm hoping will start to make sense after class today.
The 100+ flashcards filling my hand are for my Art Concepts test tomorrow...yeah that was the class I signed up for just for fun. The professor actually announced, after a quiz she felt we did poorly on a few weeks ago, that this is not an "easy-peasy art class" and she is not a "flity-flighty artist" that it is in fact a general education class and she takes that very seriously and that we will be required to think critically. I then sunk to the floor, curled up in the fetal positon and cried, "Please no more critical thinking!" Okay I didn't really do that, but I did laugh to myself that I really have arranged quite a semester for myself. :)
Off to finish eating my apple slices and putting those flashcards to good use...